Tag: Impressions

November 1, 2017 / / Articles
January 29, 2016 / / Gaming


I haven’t played a Tomb Raider game since the release of the much-anticipated reboot way, wa-a-ay back in 2013 (can anyone even remember that far back?) so when Rise of the Tomb Raider finally became available to us non-Xbox One-owning gamers, I immediately sunk my teeth in. By the end of the first entry of the series reboot I was a swashbuckling, dual-pistol-ing, ledge-leaping maestro. The set pieces, the beautiful locales, the lovably illogical story gave Uncharted a run for its money. How do you follow up such a strong origin story? Rise of the Tomb Raider’s answer: Bear fights. That’s how. Readers beware! There’s a chance of minor spoilers below.

May 22, 2015 / / Articles


It is spring and my video game collection is abloom with additive titles. Reliving my childhood with 3DS Majora’s Mask, crafting the perfect Saiyan warrior in Dragon Ball: Xenoverse and experiencing the different outcomes of Life Is Strange are all equally tempting ways to spend my (gaming) time.  I’ve had real trouble dividing my time among them. There are only so many hours in one day, you know? Well, I’ve found a solution to my problem: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. CD Projekt Red’s newest game now has monopoly on my time. Why? Well, let me first tell you as succinctly as I can: holy crap it’s good. Read on for a full description of my (relatively spoiler-free) impressions of The Witcher 3!