Category: Gaming

February 3, 2016 / / Gaming
February 2, 2016 / / Articles


Puzzle games tend to be on the beautiful side. Smart developers must realize that the player will spend most of his or her time inspecting, studying and generally staring at their digital surroundings, so you better make it damn beautiful to look at. Whether it be surveying aseptic Aperture Science labs in Portal or navigating derelict spaceships in The Swapper, these video games transport you to ponderously pretty and preposterously puzzling places.  (There are so many astonishingly beautiful games out there so picking only seven was a quite a task!) Here are the seven prettiest puzzle games in my estimation.

January 31, 2016 / / Articles


After I finished Metal Gear Solid V, I replayed Metal Gear Solid 1 through 4. With each successive entry, comes a massive leap in graphics, gameplay and stealth action. But there’s something about Metal Gear Solid 1 that will always make it my very favorite. I can’t explain it logically. It’s a combination of things, but what stands out to me as the singular reason? That Sniper Wolf scene… Nothing beats it. It’s the most melodramatic gaming scene of all time. It’s frothy yet substantive. Nothing compares to it. The Sniper Wolf death scene is the Sniper Wolf death scene. There’s nothing else like it.

January 29, 2016 / / Gaming


I haven’t played a Tomb Raider game since the release of the much-anticipated reboot way, wa-a-ay back in 2013 (can anyone even remember that far back?) so when Rise of the Tomb Raider finally became available to us non-Xbox One-owning gamers, I immediately sunk my teeth in. By the end of the first entry of the series reboot I was a swashbuckling, dual-pistol-ing, ledge-leaping maestro. The set pieces, the beautiful locales, the lovably illogical story gave Uncharted a run for its money. How do you follow up such a strong origin story? Rise of the Tomb Raider’s answer: Bear fights. That’s how. Readers beware! There’s a chance of minor spoilers below.

January 28, 2016 / / Articles


Kickstarter is a wonderful place to visit to get excited about upcoming indie games, but you may notice some potential projects need a little more love from the video gaming community to become a reality! If you’re looking to donate to a campaign or two and have had trouble deciding where your money should go, check out this yet-to-be-fully-funded (but still very promising) Kickstarter projects!

January 25, 2016 / / Articles


Mobile games seldom interest me. I usually refuse to spend any real money on app purchases. I’m on a restricted diet of free microtransaction-less games. However, there are exceptions. When I came across Three Minute Game‘s Lifeline, I was immediately intrigued. Without hesitation, I purchased it. Did I regret shelling out cash for a text adventure with a small twist? Read on to find out!

January 25, 2016 / / Gaming


Fantasy and video games go together like peanut butter and chocolate. It’s a tried-and-true combination, and we gamers keep coming back for more. As much as we like prancing around as elves with arcane and mystical powers, I think we can agree to the fact that the medium has the capacity to expand, to tell real, meaningful stories.

Games like Emily is Away and Depression Quest have proved that the vicissitude, disappointment and heartbreak of everyday life are themes an interactive medium can explore — and explore successfully!

May 31, 2015 / / Articles


I have very few qualms, concerns or complaints with The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. I haven’t touched many other PS4 games since I’ve started it, and I don’t believe that will change until I’ve completed the game. CD Projekt Red’s third installment in their glorious grey hair simulator series (a.k.a. The Witcher) is just plain addictive! But that’s not to say I haven’t had my share of frustrations.

I mean, no game is perfect (excluding Half-Life 2, of course). There have been times when I’ve been unable to contain my anger at Geralt for continuously igniting and snuffing out candles near treasure chests. There have been other times when I wished the text on screen was a smidge less incredibly tiny. But the aforementioned complaints seemed too miniscule, too unimportant to lodge formally (or informally, for that matter). But, lo and behold, CD Projekt Red is fixing all these tiny annoyances with an upcoming patch. Read on for more info!

May 27, 2015 / / Articles


A group of horror video game mavens have — unfortunately or fortunately, depending on your opinion on scary things — come together to form The Deep End Games. These devious Deep End developers are Kickstarting Perception, which is purported to be a (wonderfully?) masochistic first-person terrorfest. Currently, over 600 backers have pledged almost $30,000 out of The Deep End Games’ $150,000 goal. I really want this game to happen so I am (probably) giving Perception my money.

May 25, 2015 / / Articles


ni-no-kuni-multiplayerI enjoy a good old-fashioned single player experience as much as the next guy, and I dislike it when developers insert multiplayer components into their game as an afterthought. When the attempt is disingenuous, it is, at best, awkward and, at worst, irritating, and may lead to arbitrarily forcing player interaction (a la Bravely Default) , but I wouldn’t mind a little more company in the world’s loneliest genre.

I would willingly suffer through some honest experimentation with multiplayer JRPGs, if it would mean that someday I’ll be able to play high-quality couch co-op with my level grinding-loving, quantified damage-reading buddies.