Category: Articles

October 8, 2024 / / Articles


I gave Red Barrels’ Outlast a fantastic review a few months ago. Despite my wonderful experience with the main game, I waited until the Whistleblower DLC was on sale before buying it for myself. I usually think DLC is — no matter how polished it may be — overpriced. It is very, very seldom that I believe DLC surpasses the original game. Most often, DLC recaptures a piece of the main game. It serves to augment the feeling, the energy or the length of a game. Rarely can DLC stand on its own. Whistleblower is one of those rarities. It is more cohesive, more dynamic, more immersive and a hell of a lot scarier than the (already impressive) game it is attached to. Warning: This article contains gruesome images (they’re not real, so please man up), (gruesomely?) minor spoilers and offensive parenthetical statements.

November 1, 2017 / / Articles
September 23, 2016 / / Articles
September 9, 2016 / / Articles
September 5, 2016 / / Articles

I, like everyone else (on Steam, that is), logged dozens of hours into Dragon Ball Xenoverse. I couldn’t get enough of the game that reminded me of the glee of binge-watching bootleg VHSes of the extraterrestrial kungfu show in my childhood room. Never before did a Dragon Ball game demand my attention, or even garner my attention for that matter. The developers over at Dimps seemed to understand what made Dragon Ball Z so great; the kinetic action, the farcical dialogue and nonsensical story, the unapologetic assault on sound and vision. Xenoverse finally felt like the show.

August 30, 2016 / / Articles

My time with Deus Ex: Mankind Divided has been… well, in short, a whirlwind. A few of the blood vessels in my eyes are undoubtedly damaged beyond repair. I have most likely developed a life-threatening form of carpel tunnel syndrome in both of my hands. My boyfriend is relatively sure that I am now a deaf-mute. Anyway, you get my (exaggerated) point. I’m addicted.

February 24, 2016 / / Articles


I recently wrote up an impressions article of Rise of the Tomb Raider. I was initially very impressed by the sequel to the reboot. Upon finishing the game, however, I was left disappointed. Ultimately, I don’t think I’ll ever pick up Rise of the Tomb Raider again. There simply isn’t that much replay value. This game really received more praise than Fallout 4 from some reviewers? That’s unimaginable to me. Rise of the Tomb Raider is extremely shallow in comparison. Don’t get me wrong. It’s a wonderful game for Tomb Raider fans. I don’t think the game is horrible. It just didn’t live up to its very promising opening. I just expected the game to expand on its very cool ideas instead of rehashing them. Oh, well.

February 20, 2016 / / Articles

Pony Island is not about ponies. Pony Island is about demons; demons that want you to play a 2D side-scrolling game about jumping unicorns that have tickle battles with butterflies for —  forever! There is no escape. Hell is an unwinnable, inescapable arcade game. And you’re living it. It’s your job to hack into this digital netherworld and destroy its core files or it’s game over — for your soul!

Is this game terrifyingly hilarious or hilariously terrifying?

February 17, 2016 / / Articles

When I heard this trick-tacular news about Sega offering Jet Set Radio for free on Steam as part of their “Make War not Love” campaign I immediately downloaded the graffiti-glorifying Dreamcast classic. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve purchased Jet Set Radio (all right, I can: three). Each time I purchase it for a new console, it gets a little bit better.

February 12, 2016 / / Articles