Tag: 100 words or less

September 23, 2016 / / Articles
August 30, 2016 / / Articles

My time with Deus Ex: Mankind Divided has been… well, in short, a whirlwind. A few of the blood vessels in my eyes are undoubtedly damaged beyond repair. I have most likely developed a life-threatening form of carpel tunnel syndrome in both of my hands. My boyfriend is relatively sure that I am now a deaf-mute. Anyway, you get my (exaggerated) point. I’m addicted.

February 24, 2016 / / Articles


I recently wrote up an impressions article of Rise of the Tomb Raider. I was initially very impressed by the sequel to the reboot. Upon finishing the game, however, I was left disappointed. Ultimately, I don’t think I’ll ever pick up Rise of the Tomb Raider again. There simply isn’t that much replay value. This game really received more praise than Fallout 4 from some reviewers? That’s unimaginable to me. Rise of the Tomb Raider is extremely shallow in comparison. Don’t get me wrong. It’s a wonderful game for Tomb Raider fans. I don’t think the game is horrible. It just didn’t live up to its very promising opening. I just expected the game to expand on its very cool ideas instead of rehashing them. Oh, well.

February 17, 2016 / / Articles

When I heard this trick-tacular news about Sega offering Jet Set Radio for free on Steam as part of their “Make War not Love” campaign I immediately downloaded the graffiti-glorifying Dreamcast classic. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve purchased Jet Set Radio (all right, I can: three). Each time I purchase it for a new console, it gets a little bit better.

February 9, 2016 / / Articles


We all encountered something decidedly odd this (Super Bowl) Sunday. As I was reading Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World — yes, I read a novel instead of actually watching the Super Bowl, I am sorry to reveal to you that I am not a football fan — I heard something familiar fill my ears. Pokemon. I looked up from my book. And what did I see? That’s right, people, you guessed it: Pikachu. Sandwiched between the Budweiser and Doritos commercials was an advertisement celebrating twenty years of Pokemon. I was shocked (pun intended). Shocked. Helen Mirren yelling at me about drunk driving? Not nearly as surprising as the “Train On” Super Bowl spot.

February 4, 2016 / / Articles


As a PS Plus subscriber, doesn’t it make sense to own a PS Vita? I would get more free games. I’d gain access to a library of Vita-exclusive titles. Seems like an obvious choice, right? Maybe, but a non-Nintendo handheld? Experience has proven that to be a risky investment. You fooled me once with the PSP, Sony, and I’m not likely to forget it any time soon. Back touch? Stop putting touch screens on my gaming systems! The PS Vita’s hardware is amazing. But what does great hardware mean if you don’t have good software to back it up?

Do I need a PS Vita? I simply cannot decide.

January 31, 2016 / / Articles


After I finished Metal Gear Solid V, I replayed Metal Gear Solid 1 through 4. With each successive entry, comes a massive leap in graphics, gameplay and stealth action. But there’s something about Metal Gear Solid 1 that will always make it my very favorite. I can’t explain it logically. It’s a combination of things, but what stands out to me as the singular reason? That Sniper Wolf scene… Nothing beats it. It’s the most melodramatic gaming scene of all time. It’s frothy yet substantive. Nothing compares to it. The Sniper Wolf death scene is the Sniper Wolf death scene. There’s nothing else like it.

January 28, 2016 / / Articles


I have been a bit skeptical of VR in the past. I’ve tried to contain my excitement over Oculus Rift and Sony VR for fear of disappointment. In my mind the technology was too ambitious to get my hopes up. Over the years I’ve seen the Oculus Rift dev kit videos on YouTube, read the articles praising it. I’ve even seen the technology improve over a few short years, and witnessed other technologies take VR further, technologies like Virtuix Omni. As time has worn on,  I can no longer deny the possibility of virtual reality becoming, well — a reality.

May 28, 2015 / / Articles


E3, arguably the biggest annual event in gaming, is nearly — I’m using the word “nearly” very loosely here — upon us and the internet is already abuzz with pre-E3 commentary. It’s impossible to ignore the sheer volume of E3-related opinion pieces, wishlists and speculation-laden YouTube videos.

Isn’t it a bit early to board the hype train? How many articles on Fallout 4 do we really need? I can sum up each and every Fallout 4 article right here, right now: “Fallout 4 announcement at the Bethesda Conference!?” There you go.

Everyone likes to get pumped for big events like this one… but I think this hype may be overripe.

May 25, 2015 / / Articles


ni-no-kuni-multiplayerI enjoy a good old-fashioned single player experience as much as the next guy, and I dislike it when developers insert multiplayer components into their game as an afterthought. When the attempt is disingenuous, it is, at best, awkward and, at worst, irritating, and may lead to arbitrarily forcing player interaction (a la Bravely Default) , but I wouldn’t mind a little more company in the world’s loneliest genre.

I would willingly suffer through some honest experimentation with multiplayer JRPGs, if it would mean that someday I’ll be able to play high-quality couch co-op with my level grinding-loving, quantified damage-reading buddies.