Tag: Indie game

October 8, 2024 / / Articles


I gave Red Barrels’ Outlast a fantastic review a few months ago. Despite my wonderful experience with the main game, I waited until the Whistleblower DLC was on sale before buying it for myself. I usually think DLC is — no matter how polished it may be — overpriced. It is very, very seldom that I believe DLC surpasses the original game. Most often, DLC recaptures a piece of the main game. It serves to augment the feeling, the energy or the length of a game. Rarely can DLC stand on its own. Whistleblower is one of those rarities. It is more cohesive, more dynamic, more immersive and a hell of a lot scarier than the (already impressive) game it is attached to. Warning: This article contains gruesome images (they’re not real, so please man up), (gruesomely?) minor spoilers and offensive parenthetical statements.

June 18, 2014 / / Articles


I can’t really explain what my attraction to The Forest is. I don’t think I can quite place what attracts me to the genre-mashing indie game. I think the reasons may be manifold. And definitely nebulous.  Definitely. I never thought I’d be completely addicted to an open-world survival horror lumberjack simulator (in alpha!). I never thought I’d be so determined to build traps made out of sticks and rocks. I never thought I’d cling to a log cabin pipe dream so dearly.

There’s just something so awesome about marauding mutant creatures who want nothing more than to destroy those who endeavor to create lincoln log masterpieces.

September 8, 2013 / / Articles


The Swapper, the indie platformer in which you use clones of yourself and swap bodies with said clones to solve manifold puzzles, is an eerie sci-fi adventure that examines consciousness and its consequences. Just imagine 2001: A Space Odyssey meets Portal meets Super Mario. Confused? Read on!