Tag: jrpg

February 4, 2016 / / Gaming
February 4, 2016 / / Gaming
May 25, 2015 / / Articles


ni-no-kuni-multiplayerI enjoy a good old-fashioned single player experience as much as the next guy, and I dislike it when developers insert multiplayer components into their game as an afterthought. When the attempt is disingenuous, it is, at best, awkward and, at worst, irritating, and may lead to arbitrarily forcing player interaction (a la Bravely Default) , but I wouldn’t mind a little more company in the world’s loneliest genre.

I would willingly suffer through some honest experimentation with multiplayer JRPGs, if it would mean that someday I’ll be able to play high-quality couch co-op with my level grinding-loving, quantified damage-reading buddies.

May 23, 2015 / / Articles


Persona 5 is the upcoming installment in Atlus‘ beloved Persona series. As with every game, I have my doubts, but more importantly, I have my hopes — which I’ve quantified for your reading pleasure. Here are my 5 hopes for Persona 5!

September 25, 2013 / / Articles


child_of_lightChild of Light is undeniably gorgeous. While many of Ubisoft’s games have been beautiful, Child of Light‘s beauty emanates from somewhere entirely different. In fact, Child of Light is the antithesis of Ubisoft’s AAA titles. This playable painting will usher in a new era for the AAA game studio Ubisoft and, with a little luck, rejuvenate the declining JRPG genre.

September 3, 2013 / / Articles


Resonance of Fate made substantial improvements to the JRPG genre by introducing entirely original battle and exploration systems, unprecedented control over your character’s appearance (for JRPGs, that is) and relative freedom from linear gameplay.  Despite said innovations Resonance of Fate was met with mixed reviews. Why was Resonance of Fate overlooked and why does it deserve your attention? Game Blog Girl is here to answer those questions!