Category: Gaming

May 22, 2015 / / Articles


It is spring and my video game collection is abloom with additive titles. Reliving my childhood with 3DS Majora’s Mask, crafting the perfect Saiyan warrior in Dragon Ball: Xenoverse and experiencing the different outcomes of Life Is Strange are all equally tempting ways to spend my (gaming) time.  I’ve had real trouble dividing my time among them. There are only so many hours in one day, you know? Well, I’ve found a solution to my problem: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. CD Projekt Red’s newest game now has monopoly on my time. Why? Well, let me first tell you as succinctly as I can: holy crap it’s good. Read on for a full description of my (relatively spoiler-free) impressions of The Witcher 3!

May 21, 2015 / / Articles


Sailor Moon was a childhood obsession of almost every girl and — in secret — boy who had the honor of growing up in the late ’90s/early 2000s. Who couldn’t love Sailor Moon? It’s a hyper-cute, all-female (excluding the tuxedoed gentleman in the mask) version of the Avengers. You know what a super-popular ’90s cartoon sounds like to me? A good video game waiting to happen.

June 19, 2014 / / Gaming


Day one of the Steam Summer Sale is finally here! This is a wonderful day for PC gamers. A wonderfully horrific day for our wallets. Games cost so little and it ends up costing you so much. Each summer I try to set a budget for myself and each summer that budget is destroyed by flash deals. Thankfully, it’s always worth every dollar.

June 17, 2014 / / Gaming


Okay, okay. Maybe this is a tad confusing. Just bear with me. Game Blog Girl is still back, she never went anywhere. But now she’s back on! A wonderful home for a wonderful readership (three people count as a readership, right?). I’m still on the terrific website GamersSphere as well (see this post if you are confused). So, I’m back everywhere it seems? Yes, I am back on this little site and I’m staying as a contributor on GamersSphere. Game Blog Girl is all over the internet!

April 25, 2014 / / Gaming
On to new adventures!

UPDATE: Game Blog Girl is back on! So this post is somewhat irrelevant now… so just move along!

Game Blog Girl has been unmasked! She’s still back, she’s just somewhere else. Read on to find out what any of this could possibly mean.

April 24, 2014 / / Gaming
October 22, 2013 / / Articles

sir-you-are-being-huntedSir or Madam, please take a moment out of your undoubtedly busy Halloween schedule to try one of the most surprisingly entertaining indie games of the year. While Sir, You Are Being Hunted is not as frightening as video games such as Fatal Frame or Outlast it is certainly worth your valuable (Halloween) time.

October 7, 2013 / / Articles


I recently pre-ordered a copy of Beyond: Two Souls at my local GameStop after playing a surprisingly entertaining demo of the game a day earlier. What was I met with? A saddened GameStop sales associate who informed me that there would be no midnight event for Beyond as it has not generated enough interest. Unfortunately, I expected that to some extent. I’ve read innumerable articles about the distaste for Beyond‘s lack of meaningful gameplay. I, too, was afraid that Beyond would be a quasi-interactive film and not a real video game. Then it struck me: Beyond will be fun regardless.

September 30, 2013 / / Gaming

five_tips_turning_friends_gamersDo you have friends who won’t indulge in video games? Are you the only one in your relationship who thinks a great date night is comprised of yummy snacks and (even yummier) level grinding? That should change, that can change and that will change, my friends. Read on to find out how.

September 27, 2013 / / Gaming


Valve has officially announced a controller, called the Steam Controller, that is currently in development and will be released next year. The Steam Controller will be compatible with Steam machines as well as PCs. Prototypes of the controller will be available to beta testers later this year.